July 3, 2024

Sydney Roosters star Spencer Leniu banned for eight games following racist remark.

SYDNEY ROOSTERS PROP Spencer Leniu was banned for eight games after being found guilty of making a racial comment.

Panel members, chaired by judiciary chief Geoffrey Bellew, SC, and Bob Lindner and Sean Hampstead, unanimously concluded that Leniu referred to Brisbane Broncos halfback Ezra Mam as a’monkey’ with racial intents during the NRL Round One event in Las Vegas.

The panel concluded that Leniu’s contrition was genuine, but that a strong message needed to be sent forth.

“On an assessment of the player’s evidence, the Panel were satisfied that he had become annoyed with a comment made by player Mam to the effect of “run it at Spencer”, that he took offence to it, and that he decided to make a racist comment in response,” Bellew added.

“The Panel rejected the player’s claim of ignorance, stating that he was unaware that “monkey” was a derogatory epithet when used against the Indigenous community. In light of that conclusion, the Panel concluded that the offence had a high level of objective seriousness.

“The Panel considered the various aspects of the player’s subjective case.” The Panel clearly accepted that he had pleaded guilty and were convinced that he was truly sorry. The Panel further considered how the player’s sorrow was evident not only in his testimony, but also in his attempts to contact player Mam after the match.

“The Panel also considered the player’s typically positive history in the game. The Panel was willing to accept that, despite his desire to use a racial slur, the player’s actions on this occasion were spontaneous and out of character.”

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